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 **National Guard Ranks and Functions**

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-06-08
Age : 34
Location : United States

**National Guard Ranks and Functions** Empty
PostSubject: **National Guard Ranks and Functions**   **National Guard Ranks and Functions** EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 2:59 pm

The San Andreas National Guard will hold a structure of:

•Rank 6 - General
•Rank 5 - Lt. General
•Rank 4 - Colonel
•Rank 3 - Major
•Rank 2 - Captin
•Rank 1 - Seregeant
•Rank 0 - Private

1.3.2 – Rank Duties

Private - Rank 0

The Private rank is the foundation of a National Guard. This rank will give you the building blocks to become a successful National Guard member. You will be closely observed by higher members as you earn your respect by performing tasks and duties assigned to you. If you have done well as an private, and had a few successful encounters, the General and Lt. Generals will come to a conclusion whether you deserve a Seregeant's position. Please read the following guidelines if you are currently partaking an internship.

•You are not able to use a Patriot unless granted permission from a Seregeant or higher.
•You are not able to use a news helicopter.
•You are able to perform tasks or assignments if told by a Seregeant or higher.
•You are able to use the lockers provided in the National Guard (( /ng ))
•You are only able to equip yourself with: Mace, Night Stick, Shotgun, and MP5's

Seregeant - Rank 1
A Seregeant is a promotion given to Privates that have been deemed in missions etc. You will now have the ability to do missions, task, or any other thing. The main duty for this position is help the leaders that are above you and keep San Andreas a safe and liveable place.

•You have permission to use a Patriot, unless told otherwise by a Major or higher.
•You are not able to use a Barrack.
•You will be able to go do certain tasks or missions, unless told otherwise by a Major or higher.
•You do not have permission to grant an Private the permission to go on a mission or task.
•You are only able to equip yourself with: Rifle, Deagles and M4's (Plus the weapons of Private)

Captain - Rank 2

The main role of a Captain is to keep on top of the Seregeants and Privates. You will need to help out the Privates by finding them missions, and granting/rejecting permissions. Make sure to remind them over the radio from time to time. Please read the following guidelines if you are currently working in this position.

•You have permission to use Pariots and Barracks, unless told otherwise by a Major or higher.
•You are not able to use a Chopper.
•You have permission to grant/reject missions that an Privates would like to perform.
•You are able to equip yourself with: Granades & Snipers (Plus the weapons of Seregeant & Private

Major - Rank 3

The main role of a Major is to keep on top of the Captains, and make sure they are doing their job. It is also your job to teach the Interns by walking them through the rules and permissions. Please read the following guidelines if you are currently working in this position.

•You are able to grant lower ranks the use of a Pariots.
•You are able to use Barrack and Choppers, unless instructed otherwise by a higher rank.
•You are able to equip yourself with any weapon.

Colonel - Rank 4

The role of a Colonel is to oversee the lower ranks, and make sure everyone is doing their job. If there are any questions that a lower rank needs answering, you are the person to do so.

•You are able to do any of the aboves including use of Barracks and Choppers

Lt. General - Rank 5
The Lt. General helps the General run the army, and discusses with the General on any changes within the army. You will need to report any bad activity made by soldiers to the General. You also are to help the General with recruitment.

General - Rank 6

The General will oversee all Operations. They are the 'head' of the army. What they say, goes. Failure to comply with the General will result in immediate termination from the faction.

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